It’s time for Americans to wake up to the truth and realize that the Biden administration’s economic policies are not working. The country is on a dangerous path of economic instability, and we need to elect leaders who will put America first and prioritize responsible economic policies.
The economy will be a major factor in the 2024 election, and it’s essential that voters hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.
Biden has repeatedly touted misleading claims on the deficit, even receiving a “bottomless Pinocchios” rating from the Washington Post. He told a group of union workers that in his first two years in office, he “lowered the deficit by a record $1.7 trillion,” a claim that Kessler gave “three Pinocchios” in September.
The high spending numbers come as Biden enters into his 2024 re-election campaign, and he will have to face questions on high inflation and other economic issues facing his presidency.
It’s clear that the Biden administration’s economic policies are not working, and we need to elect leaders who will prioritize responsible economic policies.
It’s time for Americans to take action and hold our elected officials accountable. We must elect leaders who will put America first and work towards a better future for all Americans.
Source Fox News