In a shocking incident that unfolded near the White House, a driver has been taken into custody after crashing a U-Haul truck into security barriers. The United States Park Police have revealed that the charges against the driver include the alarming accusation of “Threatening to kill/kidnap/inflict harm on a President/VP/family member.”
Late Monday night, Secret Service Uniformed Division officers apprehended the driver of a box truck after it collided with security barriers on the north side of Lafayette Square at 16th Street.
The driver, identified as 19-year-old Sai Varshith Kandula from Chesterfield, Missouri, is now facing multiple charges, including assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, destruction of federal property, and trespassing.
Thankfully, no Secret Service or White House personnel were injured during the incident. The cause and motive behind the crash are currently under investigation, with Secret Service and Metropolitan Police working diligently to uncover the truth.
Video footage captured by Fox5 DC showed investigators utilizing a robot to examine the contents of the truck.
Additionally, WUSA9 broadcasted images of a police officer holding up what appeared to be a Nazi flag that was found at the scene. This disturbing emblem was reportedly removed from the vehicle.
Upon the crash, D.C. Fire and EMS swiftly arrived at the scene, leading to the closure of nearby roads and pedestrian walkways as they conducted a thorough investigation of a suspicious package. K-9 units were also deployed to search the area surrounding the truck.
According to Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi, the preliminary investigation suggests that the driver intentionally crashed into the security barriers at Lafayette Square. The United States Park Police, with the support of the Secret Service, will be filing charges against the suspect.
This security breach occurred while President Biden was in Washington, D.C., engaging in discussions at the White House with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the critical matter of raising the debt ceiling. President Biden emphasized the need to prevent default and find a bipartisan agreement to safeguard the economy.
As more details emerge, we will keep you updated on this developing story. The safety and security of our nation’s leaders must always be a top priority, and incidents like this serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges we face in protecting our democracy.
Source Fox News