When America removed God, our society declined. Do you agree?

When America Removed God, Our Society Declined: Do You Agree? [Poll]

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The question of whether removing God from public life and institutions has led to a decline in society is a topic of significant debate. Many MAGA Republicans believe that the departure from religious values and the reduction of God’s presence in public life have negatively impacted societal morals and stability.

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Critics argue that the removal of religious symbols, prayers in schools, and references to God in public spaces has contributed to moral and social decline. They believe that traditional religious values provided a strong moral foundation that helped guide ethical behavior and community standards. According to this perspective, the absence of these values has led to increased social problems and a weakening of communal bonds.

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Supporters of this view also emphasize that many of the challenges facing society today—such as increased crime rates, family breakdowns, and moral relativism—coincide with the reduction of religious influence. They argue that a return to foundational religious principles could help address these issues and restore a sense of moral direction.

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Another point of contention is the balance between religious freedom and secular governance. Critics of this view argue that while religion can play a role in personal lives, national policies and public institutions should remain neutral to ensure that all beliefs are respected. They believe that promoting inclusivity and respecting diverse perspectives can also contribute to a healthy society.

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As the debate continues, the impact of removing religious elements from public life remains a significant issue. For many MAGA Republicans, reintroducing God and religious values into public spheres is seen as a way to address societal challenges and promote moral clarity.

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