Unexpected Twists in the Biden Divorce Saga, You’ll Be Shocked

Explosive new revelations have come to light regarding Hunter Biden’s involvement in a secret Romania deal, exposing a web of questionable financial dealings. These revelations contradict previous claims made by Kathleen Buhle, Hunter’s ex-wife, who insisted she had no knowledge of his financial affairs.

According to emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop, divorce lawyers for Hunter and Buhle were well aware of payments from the Romania deal. They even discussed how the funds should be divided between the two parties. This raises serious questions about Buhle’s previous statements that she was clueless about Hunter’s finances.

In an email exchange between Buhle’s lawyer, Rebekah Sullivan, and Hunter’s attorney, Sarah Mancinelli, frustrations were expressed over the delay in disclosing information. Sullivan mentioned a deposit of over $120,000 into Hunter’s TD account from the “Romania deal,” which Hunter’s office had confirmed to Buhle. The lawyers demanded immediate disclosure of account statements and expenses.

Hunter vehemently denied the allegations and accused Buhle of spying on him, suggesting she had access to his texts and emails. However, subsequent emails between the lawyers showed discussions about financial arrangements, including an “interim support and bill paying arrangement.” The proposed allocation of funds included a portion from the expected $60,000 Romania payment to be given to Buhle.

The involvement of Hunter Biden in Romania’s business affairs is not limited to his divorce proceedings. A report by the House Oversight and Reform Committee highlights his connection to Gabriel “Puiu” Popoviciu, a Romanian tycoon facing corruption charges. Hunter was hired to advise Popoviciu in his case, which eventually led to Popoviciu’s conviction and prison sentence.

Furthermore, payments were made into Hunter’s business partner’s bank account, which were then transferred to various Biden family accounts, including Hunter’s. The timing of these transactions raises concerns, as a significant number occurred while Joe Biden served as vice president.

The American people deserve transparency and accountability. These revelations demand a thorough investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates’ engagement with foreign officials, particularly in light of the potential conflicts of interest and the allegations of using businesses to conceal the source of payments.

As this story continues to unfold, we at Fox News will provide you with the latest updates, ensuring that the truth is brought to light and justice is served.

Source  Fox News