97.4% Voted No. Join Over 30,127 Conservatives Voting On The Polls Below. Scroll Down.

Did Trump get a fair trial?

(scroll below for the real story)

The Real Story:

Why it matters: The fairness of Trump's trial has been a hotly debated topic, with many of his supporters arguing that the legal process was biased and influenced by political agendas.

The big picture: Ensuring that every American, including a former president, receives a fair and impartial trial is fundamental to the integrity of our justice system.

What's next: It's crucial to scrutinize the trial proceedings and hold the legal system accountable for upholding justice. Participate in our polls to express your views on whether Trump received a fair trial. Your voice is essential for promoting transparency and fairness in our judicial process.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Outdated voter registrations can lead to voter fraud and undermine the integrity of our elections. Purging these records is a crucial step in ensuring only eligible voters participate.

The big picture: Keeping voter rolls accurate is a fundamental part of maintaining a trustworthy election process. It prevents opportunities for illegal voting and enhances public confidence.

What's next: Support the push for regular voter roll clean-ups by participating in our polls. Your voice can help safeguard fair elections and uphold democratic values."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Strict audits of voter rolls are essential to maintaining the integrity of our elections. They ensure that only eligible voters are able to cast their ballots.

The big picture: By supporting strict audits, we can prevent fraudulent activities and ensure that every vote counts. This is a key step in protecting our democracy.

What's next: Stand up for election integrity by participating in our polls. Your voice is crucial in advocating for policies that ensure fair and honest elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Regular verification of voter eligibility is critical to preventing voter fraud and maintaining the integrity of our electoral system.

The big picture: States must take responsibility for keeping their voter rolls accurate and up-to-date. This helps to ensure that only eligible voters are participating in elections.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory verification of voter eligibility by participating in our polls. Your input can drive policies that protect the sanctity of our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Accurate voter lists are essential to preventing illegal votes and ensuring the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Maintaining accurate voter lists helps to prevent fraud and ensures that every legitimate vote is counted. It's a fundamental part of our democratic process.

What's next: Participate in our polls to support the maintenance of accurate voter lists. Your voice can help protect the integrity of our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Mandatory voter roll clean-ups are crucial to safeguarding fair elections and preventing voter fraud.

The big picture: Regularly cleaning up voter rolls ensures that only eligible voters are listed, reducing the risk of illegal voting and enhancing public trust in the electoral process.

What's next: Support mandatory voter roll clean-ups by participating in our polls. Your input can help ensure that our elections remain fair and transparent."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Biden's opposition to mandatory voter roll clean-ups undermines efforts to ensure fair and honest elections.

The big picture: Holding Biden accountable for opposing these clean-ups is essential to protecting the integrity of our electoral process and preventing voter fraud.

What's next:
Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Mandatory Voter ID is necessary to secure our elections and prevent voter fraud.

The big picture: Requiring Voter ID ensures that only eligible voters can cast their ballots, protecting the integrity of our elections.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID by participating in our polls. Your voice is crucial in securing our democratic process.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Requiring Voter ID at all polling stations is essential to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Voter ID laws protect our elections by verifying the identity of each voter. This is a simple yet effective measure to prevent fraud.

What's next: Support the implementation of Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your input is key to ensuring fair and secure elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Requiring every voter to present ID is a fundamental step in preventing fraud and ensuring the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Voter ID laws help to verify the identity of each voter, reducing the risk of illegal voting and protecting our democratic process.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID by participating in our polls. Your voice can help secure the integrity of our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Making Voter ID compulsory is essential for ensuring election integrity and preventing voter fraud.

The big picture: Voter ID laws verify the identity of each voter, helping to prevent fraud and protect the legitimacy of our elections.

What's next: Support mandatory Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your input can help secure the integrity of our elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Mandatory Voter ID laws are crucial to protecting against illegal voting and ensuring fair elections.

The big picture: Requiring Voter ID helps to verify the identity of each voter, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing public confidence in the electoral process.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your voice is key to securing our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Holding Democrats accountable for election interference and fraud is essential to protecting the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Democrats have been accused of encouraging practices that lead to election tampering. It's time to hold them responsible and ensure fair elections.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Democrats have been accused of encouraging practices that lead to election tampering. It's essential to address these issues to ensure fair elections.

The big picture: Holding Democrats accountable for their actions is crucial to protecting the integrity of our electoral process.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Democrat policies have been criticized for paving the way for election tampering and fraud. Addressing these issues is essential to protecting our democracy.

The big picture: It's crucial to hold Democrats accountable for their actions and ensure fair and honest elections.

What's next: Advocate for accountability and fair elections by participating in our polls. Your voice can make a difference."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden's objections to voter ID laws suggest a tolerance for election fraud. It's essential to address these concerns to ensure fair elections.

The big picture: Holding Biden accountable for his stance on voter ID laws is crucial to protecting the integrity of our elections.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden's policies forcing everyday Americans to pay for student debt relief is unfair and burdens those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden’s plan to burden workers with others’ college debt payoff is unfair and targets those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This policy is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden’s plan to tax the working class to pay for student loan forgiveness is unfair and burdens those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base. It’s time to stand up against this injustice.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Leticia James has been a controversial figure, and her actions have raised serious ethical questions. Disbarring her could restore confidence in our legal system.

The big picture: James has been accused of politicizing her role and targeting political opponents unfairly. Ensuring accountability in the legal profession is crucial.

What's next: Support the call for an investigation into Leticia James by participating in our polls. Your voice can help uphold justice and integrity."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Trump’s patriotic agenda focuses on putting America first and revitalizing the nation’s spirit. Another term could continue these efforts.

The big picture: Trump’s policies have aimed at strengthening the economy, securing borders, and restoring national pride. His supporters believe he deserves another chance to complete his mission.

What's next: Participate in our polls to support Trump's vision for America. Your input is essential in shaping the future of our country."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Providing free Medicare to illegal aliens raises significant economic and ethical concerns. Many believe that taxpayer-funded healthcare should be reserved for citizens and legal residents.

The big picture: Offering free Medicare to illegal aliens could strain public resources and potentially limit access to healthcare for American citizens who need it most.

What's next: It's crucial to prioritize healthcare for those who are legally entitled to it. Participate in our polls to express your views on whether illegal aliens should receive free Medicare. Your voice is essential for shaping fair and sustainable healthcare policies.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Trusting Biden means endorsing his radical leftist agenda that is pushing America towards socialism. We need to scrutinize every move he makes.

The big picture: From the botched Afghanistan withdrawal to skyrocketing inflation, Biden has proven time and again that his leadership is a disaster. Can we really trust a president who consistently fails the American people?

What’s next: It’s critical to hold Biden accountable. Stay informed, participate in our polls, and join the fight to preserve our nation’s values and integrity. Your voice matters now more than ever.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: The left wants to use your hard-earned money to fund legal aid for illegal immigrants, putting their needs above American citizens and veterans.

The big picture: This is a clear example of the Democrats prioritizing their open border policies over the safety and financial well-being of American taxpayers. We must stand against this injustice.

What's next: We need to push back against these dangerous policies. Engage with our polls, stay informed, and let's work together to ensure our tax dollars are spent on Americans first.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: The endless witch hunts against Trump are nothing more than a desperate attempt by the left to derail his influence and prevent him from making America great again.

The big picture: Despite numerous investigations, Trump remains a powerful voice for conservatives. These attacks are politically motivated, aiming to silence the movement he represents.

What's next: It’s crucial to support Trump and fight back against these baseless accusations. Participate in our polls, stay engaged, and let’s show the left that we stand with President Trump.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Biden's gaffes and missteps on the global stage and at home are a national embarrassment, diminishing America’s standing in the world.

The big picture: From forgetting names to fumbling speeches, Biden's repeated blunders reflect poorly on our nation. We deserve a leader who projects strength and competence.

What's next: It’s time to demand accountability and leadership that makes us proud. Participate in our polls and stay engaged. Together, we can bring about the change our country needs.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Ensuring the integrity of our elections is paramount. Voter ID laws protect against fraud and maintain the legitimacy of our democratic process.

The big picture: Despite the left’s attempts to undermine election security, the vast majority of Americans support Voter ID. It’s a common-sense measure that safeguards our votes.

What's next: We must fight for fair elections. Engage with our polls and join the movement to implement Voter ID nationwide. Your voice is crucial in this battle for electoral integrity.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Voting is a sacred right reserved for American citizens. Allowing illegal immigrants to vote undermines our democracy and the rule of law.

The big picture: The left’s push to allow illegal immigrants to vote is a blatant attempt to secure more power. It’s a direct threat to the principle of one person, one vote.

What's next: We must stand firm against these attacks on our democratic process. Participate in our polls, stay informed, and help us ensure that only legal citizens have a say in our elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Using taxpayer money to cancel student loans is a thinly veiled bribe to secure votes from the younger generation, leaving hardworking Americans to foot the bill.

The big picture: This is a classic example of the left’s attempt to buy votes by promising “free” benefits. It’s an irresponsible fiscal policy that burdens taxpayers and doesn’t address the real issues in education.

What's next: We need to fight against these manipulative tactics. Stay engaged with our polls and let your voice be heard. Together, we can push back against this reckless spending.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: The Democrats' reckless spending policies threaten to bankrupt our nation, putting the financial future of every American at risk.

The big picture: From massive stimulus packages to outrageous budget proposals, the left’s spending spree is unsustainable. We must hold them accountable before it’s too late.

What's next: Stay informed and make your voice heard in our polls. Together, we can demand fiscal responsibility and stop the left from destroying our economy.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: The Obama years were marked by increased division and polarization, laying the groundwork for the deep political and social divides we see today.

The big picture: From race relations to partisan politics, Obama’s policies and rhetoric often fueled division rather than unity. It’s time to acknowledge the impact of his presidency on our nation’s cohesion.

What's next: Understanding the past helps us navigate the future. Engage with our polls and discussions to ensure we don’t repeat the same mistakes. Your participation is key to fostering unity.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Voter ID laws are a fundamental safeguard to ensure the integrity and security of our elections, preventing fraud and protecting democracy.

The big picture: Despite opposition from the left, Voter ID is widely supported because it’s a straightforward way to secure our elections. It’s about fairness and transparency.

What's next: We must push for Voter ID laws in every state. Engage with our polls, stay informed, and join the fight for election integrity. Your support is crucial.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: States like Texas, which bear the brunt of illegal immigration, should have the authority to enforce immigration laws and protect their citizens.

The big picture: The federal government’s failure to secure the border leaves states no choice but to take matters into their own hands. Texas must be empowered to act.

What's next: Support state-level immigration enforcement by participating in our polls and discussions. Together, we can demand the authority needed to protect our communities.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Biden’s plan to tax the working class to pay for student loan forgiveness is unfair and burdens those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base. It’s time to stand up against this injustice.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Granting work permits to illegal immigrants undermines American workers and encourages more illegal immigration.

The big picture: This policy rewards those who break the law while hurting American job seekers. We need policies that prioritize citizens and legal immigrants.

What's next: Stand up for American workers by participating in our polls. Your voice is crucial in shaping fair immigration policies that protect our jobs and economy.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Allowing refugees from conflict zones like Gaza raises serious national security concerns and strains our resources.

The big picture: While compassion is important, we must prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens. Biden’s plan is reckless and endangers our nation.

What’s next: Stay informed and voice your concerns in our polls. Together, we can advocate for policies that balance compassion with security.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Liberal policies in Blue States are creating environments where criminals can thrive, putting law-abiding citizens at risk.

The big picture: From lenient sentencing to defunding the police, these policies are leading to higher crime rates and less safe communities. It’s time for a change.

What's next: Fight back against these dangerous policies by participating in our polls and discussions. Your voice can help bring about safer, more secure communities.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Illegal immigration puts a significant strain on our national resources, impacting healthcare, education, and public services.

The big picture: The left’s open border policies exacerbate this issue, diverting resources from American citizens to those here illegally. We need to address this crisis head-on.

What's next: Stand up for responsible resource management by engaging in our polls. Your participation is crucial in advocating for policies that put Americans first.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Biden’s energy policies are reversing years of progress towards energy independence, making us more reliant on foreign oil.

The big picture: Shutting down pipelines and halting domestic energy projects is a deliberate move that weakens our nation’s energy security. It’s a dangerous path.

What's next: Demand energy independence and security by participating in our polls. Your voice is key to pushing back against these harmful policies.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Biden's opposition to mandatory voter roll clean-ups undermines efforts to ensure fair and honest elections.

The big picture: Holding Biden accountable for opposing these clean-ups is essential to protecting the integrity of our electoral process and preventing voter fraud.

What's next:
Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Mandatory Voter ID is necessary to secure our elections and prevent voter fraud.

The big picture: Requiring Voter ID ensures that only eligible voters can cast their ballots, protecting the integrity of our elections.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID by participating in our polls. Your voice is crucial in securing our democratic process.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Requiring Voter ID at all polling stations is essential to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Voter ID laws protect our elections by verifying the identity of each voter. This is a simple yet effective measure to prevent fraud.

What's next: Support the implementation of Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your input is key to ensuring fair and secure elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Requiring every voter to present ID is a fundamental step in preventing fraud and ensuring the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Voter ID laws help to verify the identity of each voter, reducing the risk of illegal voting and protecting our democratic process.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID by participating in our polls. Your voice can help secure the integrity of our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

Why it matters: Making Voter ID compulsory is essential for ensuring election integrity and preventing voter fraud.

The big picture: Voter ID laws verify the identity of each voter, helping to prevent fraud and protect the legitimacy of our elections.

What's next: Support mandatory Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your input can help secure the integrity of our elections.

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Mandatory Voter ID laws are crucial to protecting against illegal voting and ensuring fair elections.

The big picture: Requiring Voter ID helps to verify the identity of each voter, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing public confidence in the electoral process.

What's next: Advocate for mandatory Voter ID laws by participating in our polls. Your voice is key to securing our elections."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Holding Democrats accountable for election interference and fraud is essential to protecting the integrity of our elections.

The big picture: Democrats have been accused of encouraging practices that lead to election tampering. It's time to hold them responsible and ensure fair elections.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Democrats have been accused of encouraging practices that lead to election tampering. It's essential to address these issues to ensure fair elections.

The big picture: Holding Democrats accountable for their actions is crucial to protecting the integrity of our electoral process.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Democrat policies have been criticized for paving the way for election tampering and fraud. Addressing these issues is essential to protecting our democracy.

The big picture: It's crucial to hold Democrats accountable for their actions and ensure fair and honest elections.

What's next: Advocate for accountability and fair elections by participating in our polls. Your voice can make a difference."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden's objections to voter ID laws suggest a tolerance for election fraud. It's essential to address these concerns to ensure fair elections.

The big picture: Holding Biden accountable for his stance on voter ID laws is crucial to protecting the integrity of our elections.

What's next: Participate in our polls to demand accountability and support measures that protect our elections. Your voice is vital in this fight."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden's policies forcing everyday Americans to pay for student debt relief is unfair and burdens those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden’s plan to burden workers with others’ college debt payoff is unfair and targets those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This policy is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Biden’s plan to tax the working class to pay for student loan forgiveness is unfair and burdens those who can least afford it.

The big picture: This is another example of the left’s misguided priorities, punishing hardworking Americans to appease their voter base. It’s time to stand up against this injustice.

What's next: Make your voice heard in our polls and fight against these unfair policies. Together, we can demand a fair and just approach to student loans."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Leticia James has been a controversial figure, and her actions have raised serious ethical questions. Disbarring her could restore confidence in our legal system.

The big picture: James has been accused of politicizing her role and targeting political opponents unfairly. Ensuring accountability in the legal profession is crucial.

What's next: Support the call for an investigation into Leticia James by participating in our polls. Your voice can help uphold justice and integrity."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Trump’s patriotic agenda focuses on putting America first and revitalizing the nation’s spirit. Another term could continue these efforts.

The big picture: Trump’s policies have aimed at strengthening the economy, securing borders, and restoring national pride. His supporters believe he deserves another chance to complete his mission.

What's next: Participate in our polls to support Trump's vision for America. Your input is essential in shaping the future of our country."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Trump's plans for American greatness have resonated with many who believe in his vision for a stronger, more prosperous nation.

The big picture: Re-electing Trump could further his efforts to boost the economy, enhance national security, and protect American values.

What's next: Engage with our polls to support Trump's re-election and his plans for America. Your voice is crucial in this decision."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Trump's economic policies have focused on job creation, tax cuts, and reducing regulations. Another term could solidify these gains.

The big picture: Ensuring economic stability and growth is vital for America’s future. Trump’s supporters believe his policies are key to this success.

What's next: Participate in our polls to advocate for another term for Trump. Your input can help secure our economic future."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Border security has been a cornerstone of Trump’s agenda. Completing his mission could enhance national security and control illegal immigration.

The big picture: Trump’s efforts to build a wall and enforce immigration laws aim to protect American citizens and uphold the law.

What's next: Support Trump’s border security mission by participating in our polls. Your voice is vital in this crucial issue."

Next Poll:

The Real Story:

"Why it matters: Trump’s America First strategy prioritizes the interests of American citizens and businesses. Another term could advance this agenda further.

The big picture: Focusing on American interests in trade, immigration, and national security can strengthen the country’s position globally.

What's next: Engage with our polls to support Trump’s America First strategy. Your participation is key to continuing this important work."